General pre-med resources

The Application Essay: Professional advice on building a strong essay
MCAT preparation: $400 off MCAT prep in July
Admission success: Getting into college, graduate, or professional school
The Medical School Admissions Process: Outlines a successful approach to the medical school application process
The Application Timeline: A detailed timeline for applying to medical school
Medical School Finder: Compare your MCAT scores and GPA to those of students accepted into medical school
Planning to get into medical school: Important steps for getting into medical school
Medical school tuition: Getting your MD without a heavy bill

Application materials and official sites

AAMC: Applicant info and electronic application to medical schools
TMDSAS: Texas Medical and Dental School Application Service
OMSAS: Ontario Medical School Application Service

US Medical Schools: AAMC listing of schools and contact info
Data on Medical Schools: Info on applicants, matriculants and graduates
School rankings: From US News
Medical School Finder Compare your MCAT scores and GPA to those of students accepted into medical school
Caribbean medical schools: A listing of Caribbean medical schools, the advantages and disadvantages of foreign medical schools

Other resources

Medical Mnemonics: A joyous site to help remember the things you know you’ll forget Premed articles and advice for each step to medical school
College Confidential: Devoted to choosing and getting into the college of your choice

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