Mini medical school programs are offered at more than 70 medical schools and institutions worldwide. These public programs often comprise a short-term weekly lecture series on topics in medicine and biomedical research, and enrollment requires nothing more than mere interest.

Attending a mini medical school provides learners with a better general understanding of terms and concepts used in health care and biomedical sciences. Students who are interested in entering medical school would benefit from such a program, where they can gain insight into the important topics concerning the medical field today.

If you do not have a mini medical school near you, fear not. Stanford University’s mini med school lectures are available for free on iTunes and YouTube. Also, the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers a live streaming option for its lecture series.

If you’re interested in more specific topics within medicine, such as pharmacology or behavioral neurology, some universities are offering their medical school courses for free online through Coursera. Students who register through Coursera receive a certificate of completion at the end of their course(s).

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