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Starting Medical School

Tips for succeeding while keeping the stress level low.

For many, August and September bring the beginning of medical school. It will be one of the most exciting transitions in your education, and no doubt one of the most anxiety provoking too. You’re probably wondering – Will I ever get to sleep in again? Will I pass out in gross anatomy? How should I study? Do I have to remember the difference between an sn1 and an sn2 reaction? The quick answers are: yes, no, a lot, and no.

Read the full article on Starting Medical School

Physician Resources
– Tools and resources for making physician practices successful

Managing a Practice: Preparation for Residents and Students

They don’t teach it in med school – learning how to run a practice.

There’s a brave new world out there after medical school. Sure, it’s the day-to-day reality of being a doctor. The responsibilities, the excitement, and the fatigue. But if you are considering starting your own practice someday, there are even more surprises in store.

Running a practice means assuming a dual role of physician and businessperson. Nearly half of doctors report spending at least one full day per week managing their business, meaning less time with patients. In addition, medical school may not have prepared them for the realities of the business world, and most cite the need to better develop their business skills.

Perhaps no one can be effectively and completely prepared to run a practice. But students can be prepared with a realistic idea of what is involved.

Read the full article on Managing a Practice: what students should know

This article presented in collaboration with the NetDoc.com – physician resources for doctors in small or solo practices

residency application
The Doctor Job
– Personal statement editing for residency applicants

Writing Personal Statements for Residency Programs

The writing staff at TheDoctorJob shares tips on the successful personal statement.

“Drafting a personal statement for a residency application can be akin to a trip to the dentist or a bikini wax. In other words, it can be painful. Nonetheless, it is a necessary and important part of the residency application, and one that should not be rushed through or put off to the last minute – even if you think you are a strong writer.

One thing that makes personal statement writing so difficult is the “generic” factor. All graduating medical students want to help people, enjoy and excel in science, and are driven, disciplined, and hardworking; otherwise you would not have made it through medical school! So how do you set yourself apart from all of the other would-be internists, radiologists, pathologists, and ob/gyns out there?”

Choosing the best medical PDA device

Putting together the right package for your move to clinical rotations.

Not every handheld device is powerful enough to handle the demands of the best medical software. We take a look at two of the best physician PDAs currently available under $400.

May 2006

Common Errors Pose a Triple Threat to Med School Applicants

Former medical school admissions committee members discuss the most common med school application pitfalls.

Dr. Mark Edney

Most of the approximately 37,000 aspiring doctors who apply to U.S. medical schools this year will fail to win admission to an M.D. program. Many of these unsuccessful candidates will be brought low by a handful of errors that admissions specialists see applicants commit year after year. Many of these mistakes occur in what AdmissionsConsultants’ medical school experts call the three most problematic steps of the application process: recommendations, personal statements, and interviews. ….(Read More on Medical School Application Errors)


April 2006

Tips and Tricks for USMLE Step 1

Andreas Carl, the author of “USMLE Step 1 Made Ridiculously Simple,” gives his tips for getting a top score on the USMLE.

You are about to take the most difficult exam of your life; it also is the most important one for your future career. The score you will receive, together with the letters of recommendation from your 3rd and 4th year rotations will determine what kind of Residency you will end up in, and this will have major impact on your future. So please, take this exam very very seriously… (Read More on USMLE Step 1 Tips)

Andreas offers more tips on his USMLE Step 1 site.


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