Medical assisting schools can open the doors to health care careers that range from ultrasound technicians to LPNs to physical therapists and beyond. Medical assisting schools require hours of specialized training, and graduates can enter into high-demand fields that promise a rewarding profession.

Before enrolling in a medical assisting school, make sure it will properly prepare you for certification as either a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) or a Registered Medical Assistant (RMA).

To take the CMA exam, you must attend a medical assisting school that is accredited by the ABHES, the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools. Before enrolling, make sure your school of choice is accredited.

Then consider asking other questions to ensure you get the right medical assistant education:

  • What are the tuition costs and financial aid options?
  • What are the academic prerequisites?
  • How long does it take to complete the program?

You should also find out about the practicum, an unpaid work experience performed under supervision in an ambulatory health care setting.

Upon successful completion of the medical assisting school program and passing the certification exam, you will be awarded an official certificate showing your CMA credentials. Then you will be able to apply for medical assisting jobs anywhere in the United States.

For more information

The American Association of Medical Assistants takes you through the steps of becoming a Certified Medical Assistant

Medical Assistant Schools offers a database of medical assisting schools around the country. 

Premed Guide shares how to choose the right medical assistant school