For anyone interested in entering the medical field, there are plenty of opportunities. In fact, the medical industry is set to be one of the fastest growing areas of the economy for at least the next decade or two. While there are numerous job options here, Licensed Practical Nurse jobs might just be the best fit for your needs.

What is the outlook for LPN jobs? This segment of the medical industry is set to grow rapidly with increasing demand for licensed nurses. You will find that there are quite a few places that LPNs might find employment. For instance, you might work in a hospital, in a private practice, or even in the home health field, which is one of the fastest growing areas overall.

What do Licensed Practical Nurse jobs entail?

As a Licensed Practical Nurse, you will work hand in hand with doctors and with Registered Nurses. Your duties will revolve largely around patient care, though there is some office work required at times. With LPN jobs, nurses can travel almost anywhere in the United States. Being a licensed LPN puts you in very high demand with jobs opening up in almost every hospital in the nation, whether those are in rural, suburban or urban settings. All hospitals are currently experiencing a tremendous increase in the need for educated, certified nursing staff and are willing to pay well for your services. LPN salaries are competitive.

Most licensed practical nurses work with patients to take blood, tissue and other samples needed for testing, as well as recording food intake and production of waste. LPNs also maintain and use quite a bit of medical equipment, and they assist patients with their needs, such as helping to clean them, helping them walk and more. Licensed practical nurse jobs might also find you recording patient weight, pulse and respiration information, giving injections, administering IVs and dressing wounds.

Education Required to Become an LPN

In order to become an LPN, you will have to undergo a training program that meets your state’s requirements. Generally, LPN schools and programs are about one year in duration, and will result in you being able to take the test to get your license. Most study programs combine both theoretical (classroom) learning, as well as experience in the field. Note that in some states LPNs are called LVNs (licensed vocational nurses).

After completing your education, you will have to take the test provided by the NCLEX-PN. This is a computerized test, and varies on subject matter and duration. It is wise to give yourself enough time for NCLEX preparation.

A variety of other nursing tracks, including CNA jobs, RN jobs, and nurse practitioner jobs are projected to continue having strong growth.

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